Apr 12, 2023

The Book of Esther

The Book of Esther

 The Book of Esther is one of the most interesting and dramatic books of the Old Testament. It tells the story of a Jewish woman who became the queen of Persia and saved her people from destruction. The book is a wonderful example of God’s providence and the power of faith.


The Book of Esther takes place during the reign of King Xerxes I of Persia (486-465 BC). The story begins with King Xerxes holding a grand feast for all the people of his kingdom. During this time, he commands his queen, Vashti, to appear before him, but she refuses. As a result, the king deposes Vashti and begins searching for a new queen.

During this search, a young Jewish woman named Esther is brought to the king’s attention. Esther is beautiful and intelligent, and the king is immediately captivated by her. He chooses her to be his queen, but Esther keeps her Jewish identity a secret.

Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, works in the king’s palace and uncovers a plot to kill the king. He informs Esther, who tells the king that the plot is foiled. Later, the king promotes a man named Haman to a high-ranking position in his court. Haman becomes angry when Mordecai refuses to bow down to him, and he hatches a plot to kill all the Jews in Persia.

Mordecai encourages Esther to reveal her Jewish identity to the king and ask for his help. Esther is initially hesitant, as approaching the king without being summoned could result in her death. However, she bravely decides to risk her life and approaches the king. She reveals her Jewish identity and tells the king about Haman’s plot.

The king is furious with Haman and orders his execution. He also issues a decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves against their attackers. The Jews successfully defend themselves, and Haman is hanged on the same gallows he had built to execute Mordecai.


The Book of Esther is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it demonstrates the importance of faith and trust in God. Esther risked her life to save her people because she believed that God would protect her. Secondly, the book shows that God can use even the most unlikely people to accomplish his purposes. Esther was a Jewish woman living in a foreign land, yet she was able to become queen and save her people.

The Book of Esther is also significant because it celebrates the Jewish holiday of Purim. Purim is a joyous festival that commemorates the salvation of the Jews in Persia. It is celebrated on the 14th of Adar (usually in February or March) and involves reading the Book of Esther, giving gifts of food to friends and family, and engaging in acts of charity.


The Book of Esther is a fascinating and inspiring story that celebrates the power of faith and the providence of God. It teaches us that even in the most difficult of circumstances, we can trust in God to protect and guide us. The story of Esther reminds us that we are all capable of making a difference in the world, no matter how unlikely or insignificant we may seem.

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