Showing posts with label Sermon Topics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sermon Topics. Show all posts

Aug 29, 2023

God-The Author of Your Life.

 God-The Author of Your Life.

        Quit trying to steal the pen...

God has not ended your story & so keep up the faith & believe that He is Preparing you to meet up your purpose. His preparation comes with test, trails, afflictions, signs, wonders & miracles.All this happens during the process of you fulfilling the story that God is still writing on you.

The Bible says in Isaiah 48:10,"Behold,I have refined you,but not with silver;I have tested you in the furnace of affliction".Sometimes you need to pass through the fire & water so that when you emerge victorious others will believe in your God.

I believe sometimes God brings us to a place alone in order for Him to teach us like how He trained David by tending the flocks in the field,so that he can be crowned as the king of Isareal.

God is not done with yout yet,so do not ket your present circumstance & sutuations end what God has not ended.Remain calm & still & I promise you that He will show you that He is God.

God says,"I'm your God & I will not feed you with stone when you ask me for bread. I do not hate my creation,I build & prepare them up for the greatness that awaits them. Whatever I have promised your forefathers,I will surely fulfill it".

He will punish you to correct you when you sin. He teaches you how to pray, fellowship & communicate with the Holy Spirit. When your story is finalized & you are still standing on the will of God, you will come out like Job who had seven times what he had lost. At the end of your story, Jesus sits at the right side of God enjoying the power given to Him in heaven, over earth & under the earth. You will also receive your reward. Commit yourself to God's will. You will have an exotic bloom. So, quit trying to steal the pen. Trust the Author.


 Written By
Miss.Sony Esther D


Apr 10, 2023

Sermons about Women In The Bible | Great Women of the Bible Every Christian Must Know | Strong Women of the Bible

Great Women of the Bible Every Christian Must Know


The Bible is a rich source of knowledge and inspiration for millions of people around the world. It tells the stories of men and women who lived thousands of years ago and whose lives were deeply intertwined with the divine plan. Among these stories are those of women who played an important role in shaping the history of humanity. These women were not just passive characters in the Bible, but active participants who demonstrated courage, faith, and resilience in the face of adversity. In this article, we will explore some of the most prominent women of the Bible and the sermons that have been preached about them over the years.


The story of Eve is one of the most well-known and controversial stories in the Bible. According to the book of Genesis, Eve was the first woman created by God and was the wife of Adam. The story goes that God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs to be his companion and helpmate. However, Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge, leading to the fall of humanity.

Eve has been the subject of countless sermons over the years, with preachers exploring various themes such as sin, temptation, and the role of women in society. Some preachers have condemned Eve for her actions, portraying her as a weak and easily swayed woman who caused the downfall of humanity. Others have taken a more sympathetic approach, arguing that Eve was a victim of the serpent's deception and that her actions were motivated by a desire for knowledge and wisdom.

One popular sermon on Eve is "The Temptation of Eve" by Charles Spurgeon. In this sermon, Spurgeon explores the consequences of Eve's actions and argues that her sin was a result of pride and disobedience. He also emphasizes the importance of resisting temptation and remaining faithful to God's commands.


Sarah was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, the son whom God promised to Abraham. Sarah was initially barren, but God miraculously enabled her to conceive in her old age. Sarah's faith in God and her willingness to trust His promises have made her a role model for many women throughout history.

Sermons about Sarah often focus on themes of faith, perseverance, and trust in God's promises. Many preachers emphasize the importance of waiting on God's timing and trusting in His plan, even when it seems unlikely or impossible. Others highlight Sarah's courage and willingness to take risks, such as when she went along with Abraham's plan to deceive the Pharaoh of Egypt by pretending to be his sister.

One sermon that explores Sarah's faith and trust in God is "The Faith of Sarah" by John MacArthur. In this sermon, MacArthur emphasizes Sarah's unwavering faith in God's promises, even when they seemed impossible. He also highlights the importance of waiting on God's timing and trusting in His plan, even when it seems to contradict our own desires and plans.


Ruth is a prominent figure in the Old Testament and is known for her loyalty and devotion to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth was a Moabite woman who married Naomi's son, but after his death, she chose to stay with Naomi and accompany her back to Israel. Ruth's loyalty and devotion to Naomi led her to eventually marry Boaz and become an ancestor of King David.

Sermons about Ruth often emphasize the themes of loyalty, love, and devotion. Many preachers highlight Ruth's willingness to sacrifice her own desires for the sake of others, as well as her courage and perseverance in the face of adversity. Others focus on the idea that Ruth's faithfulness to Naomi ultimately led to her being blessed by God and becoming an important part of Israel's history.

God-The Author of Your Life.

  God-The Author of Your Life.         Quit trying to steal the pen... God has not ended your story & so keep up the faith & bel...